1. Painful reality -- most jobs (as much as 90% I've heard from some HR folks) are filled though networking. Folks who you know, or contacts you make ... while your professors are one source of contacts, reach out much farther if you want to make it happen.
- Participate in local professional activities -- many are free, and participating professionals can be key mentors and/or paths into local companies. The IEEE NH Computer Society chapter is one example with their regular seminars, also try Googling: Linux User Group (LUG's), Visual Basic user groups, etc. -- many such informal groups exist at a local level.
- When you attend events -- bring business cards if you can (cheap ones available at Vistaprint.com) -- it allows you to introduce yourself to folks of interest (and the quid-pro-quo is that they give you one of theirs ... so follow up on that -- see below)
- Ask relevant questions at the event ... stand out from the crowd in a positive way.
2. Make it a "project" -- take on the role of free-lance journalist, and ask for an opportunity to interview folks in local companies of interest -- where are the jobs going to be, what skills will recent graduates need, where are they finding candidates? ...
- You can do this simply as a personal informal role -- do some homework on target companies (what they do, what related work they are likely to have) -- and ask for a chance to interview someone for 20 minutes on where the future of careers (you would be interested in) are going. ... Have a serious and relevant list of questions at hand, ask them, and start to leave at the 20 minute point having obtained information from them. Always include the question "who else might I talk to in our industry that could have useful insight" ... if they give you a name, get an email or phone #... more about this below.
Do have a copy of your resume in your "back pocket". It may well be that the person you talk to will ask you to stay and to learn more about you and your interests. Don't push the resume their direction, let them ask for it (if they won't use it they won't ask.) - You can do this literally as a project to write a paper -- I suspect most school newspapers would pick up your results, local papers might, it always makes a useful entry on your blog or Facebook page, ... and some of the professional societies have newsletters where this would be of interest. (And of course send a copy to the folks you interviewed, and add this to your resume as an example of your communications skills.)
- Send a thank you note to anyone you interview -- if you want to stand out, send them a hand written note by U.S. Mail (and of course make sure your note has your contact information on it.)
- Follow up on any pointers you are given ... contact these folks and ask them for an interview (same deal) ... and let them know that "bob suggested I talk to you" -- and use the references real name, not 'bob'.
- Check your self out via Google -- is the top of the list the real you? .... (some folks will think it is, I talked to one professional lady whose name matched that of an "adult" entertainer, so she changed her day-to-day name back to her maiden name.) Add an initial, or your full middle name ... become unique if you can (even adding or creating a nickname ... one that is professionally sound --- Jim "Jedi" Isaak perhaps)
- Your visible screen names (handles, email names, etc.) also want to be professional. I suggest that "sexy-mama" or "stud-muffin" are not images you want to project to prospective employers.
- Pictures count ... what pictures of you are tagged? ... Looking good? ... oops
- and of course when you are doing the face to face thing, look appropriate for the job. Interviewing at Harley-Davidson, wear your jeans and leather jacket --- interviewing at a bank, a suit is good ---- be at least business casual everywhere else.
One resource for IEEE Computer Society members, the "build your career" site, with pointers to relevant resources as well as job postings, etc.
Carpe Cras ... Seize tomorrow ... and do it today!